Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Vernacular Project - A final goodbye to education

For this project i wanted to look at the way we create photo albums to share with friends and family, but how we have different images for separate groups as if we need to protect our identity like some form of superhero. I also wanted to have a go at a on going project where as the other ideas that i thought about for the project where just a series of images. The project will follow a female model through her last year of university at Birmingham university.

To separate the photographs I've created a digital photo album using the popular social networking site facebook, these album's will hold the photographs that I believe one would share with Friends and to attract attention of new people, so from looking at various other profiles on this website, these images tend to be either social gatherings or from visits too places that our seen to be landmarks or something distinctive. The photographs that I believe one would show family such as parents are more Conservative images, this is due to the image that we feel that we should uphold in front of family members differs from the more rebellious image that we like to portray to friends. These photographs will be displayed in a photo album with images printed on 6 by 4 paper.

Even though I had this idea of the split in the images I found out that the divide wasn't so black and white, as some images you would show your parents such as those of being near landmarks you would show your friends too in a sense of showing off how travelled you were.

Vernacular Project - A final goodbye to education - selection of Luton and London photographs

Vernacular Project - A final goodbye to education - selection of Birmingham photographs

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Prison Song

I was giving a task to choose a photograph that i would want to take into prison with me. I thought about the generic ideas of taking photographs of loved ones but i would hope that they could forgive me for what ever i had done to come visit me regular so i keep the picture of them mentally, instead of a physical image. So i decided on a image that holds a personal symbolism of something that gives me freedom, this is live music and the memories that i hold of feeling the escapism.

Frank Carter - lead singer of the band gallows taking at warped tour 2007

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

NHS summer job

I received a brief from the human resource department of the W.A.S.H NHS region. This was to photograph the members of the various stages of the hierarchy that is involved with the human resource department. I found this brief difficult as i had to find my way around the various hospital buildings to the different people on my brief, there was also an issue that i could only use available light, what was difficult about this was that the available light in some parts of the building was sunken ceiling lights that caused shadows on the face, i tried to cancel these out by using desk lamps around the office's.

Here is a selection of the images that i took: